House-Hunting 101: Common House-Hunting Mistakes


“House hunting is easy. It is the catching it part that is difficult.” –Susan Gale

Buying a home can be an exciting prospect to look forward in your life.

However, it is also true that buying a home can be a very emotional process. However, you should avoid letting these emotions get to the best of you lest you are left with disappointment with your purchase. Indeed, home buying is not an easy endeavor and more often than not, the process is fraught with potential mistakes you might commit—mistakes you should be looking to avoid. No doubt, real estate property will be one of the most significant investments you will ever make, so in this regard, you need to be a little meticulous and discriminating in your house selection.

More importantly, buying a home has many far-reaching implications that range from the location of your property to how you are going to afford the property and still be able to make ends meet. Considering all these, it is inevitable to go through a series of emotions that if left uncheck, can cause us to make irrational decisions. To ensure that this does not happen and to prevent any kind of purchasing regrets, keep these tips in mind regardless of whether you are buying property in One Roxas Triangle or elsewhere:


Falling in love with a house you cannot afford

To be sure that you do not fall in love with a house that you cannot afford, it is best that you only check out properties that are within your price range. In this regard, it is pivotal to come up with a realistic budget of what you can afford before you even begin your hunt. Take note: Once you have fallen in love with a particular home, it can be hard to surface from that. And if you tried, it can potentially hurt. You start envisioning what your life would be like in your prospective new home and before you know it, you might start making offers you cannot realistically afford. If your offer has some teeth to it, you could be looking at years upon years of debt and even if you did not make an offer, you would only be breaking your heart at the thought of never owning the property. With this in mind, check properties that are within your price range and never go beyond. Doing so will only invite heartbreak.

Assuming there is nothing better out there

A novice—rookie even—mistake most first-time homebuyers commit is to assume that there is no property better than the one they have found if it so happens that the property in question ticks all of the boxes in their checklist. However, this is a major oversight as you are doing yourself a major disservice by not checking out the other houses in the area which—more often than not—are nearly identical to the one you have found. More importantly, these properties might be at a better price point than the one you have. Regardless of how long your must-have list is, there is always a chance that there are several homes out there that would meet your needs. If there are any snags to the property you like, it is best if you have an alternative option. Be open to keep on looking as this will save you from making any hasty decision which you might regret later.

Being desperate

When you have been looking for a while and getting outbid on the houses that you want or worse, not seeing any properties that you do like, it is understandable to have that pressing need to get that new property now. Unfortunately, there is a very likely chance that you would end up buying a house that you would inevitably hate. If you try to live with it by fashioning it after the dream home you do have in mind, remember that this can cause you exorbitantly—costs that you could have avoided had you not made the rash decision to secure a real estate property right away. If time is on your side, relax—wait until something you like comes a long. So long as your needs and demands are within your budget and realistic as well, you are sure to find property that you can live with.

Overlooking significant flaws

Once you have found a property that checks most of the items in your checklist and meets most of your demands and needs, it can be rather easy to compromise on the things you do not want—such as faulty utilities and fixtures. However, while minor flaws can be easy to repair, remember that this not always the case. Some properties have major problems that would be difficult, expensive or even impossible to repair. Before making an offer or an expensive commitment, consider your options and wait until a better property or offer comes along. If you are insistent on securing the property, at least try to haggle the asking price and make sure that it is reasonable and commensurate to the overall condition of the prospective property you are looking to buy.

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Home Buying: Five Things to Know As a First Time Homebuyer


“The ache for a home lives in all of us, the safe place where we go as we are and not be questioned.”-Maya Angelou


The prospect of buying your first home can be rather exciting, albeit a little daunting.

However, this endeavor is often fraught with difficulties if you are unaware of what it entails and what you should prepare for. Undoubtedly, the process will likely be overwhelming, however, when done right, you would not only be putting your money down on an excellent investment but you would also end up with a home you will be happy to live in for quite a long while. Furthermore, knowing what you want mitigates the likelihood of buyer’s remorse which is why it is always wise to review your options before pushing through with a deal.

In any case, if you are prepared to find the home of your dreams—whether that may be a unit in the East Gallery Place or a residential place elsewhere, here are some of the things you ought to know to minimize the likelihood of surprises when you do finally affix your signature on that contract:


Make sure to have room in your budget for transitional costs

Before you even shop around for homes, it is recommended that you set a budget of how much you are willing to pay for in a home. However, apart from budgeting for the property itself, you would also need to prepare for the transitional costs it entails. Remember, you still have expenses to cover on top of your mortgage so you need to adequately budget for that as well. Set a budget for the unexpected and have a plan for the allocation of the same. The earlier you plan, the less likely you will have any financial snags on top of your big investment so if you are already planning on shopping for homes, start creating your budget plan today.

Working with a good agent is paramount

Many homeowners think that home buying is an endeavor they can pull off by themselves. While they are right, going on about the house hunt and deal by yourself tends to slow down your pace and would take you a lot longer to find a place of your own at the price you can afford. Working with an agent who would be able to assist and guide you throughout the entire process would ensure that not only would you find the property you want but at the right price as well. In this time and age, the internet is at your disposal so use it to your advantage and find an agent who you think can work best to fit your needs. However, do not just arbitrarily go with anyone. Do not risk it and only select the best agent who has the expertise and comes highly recommended as well.

Determine if the price is right

More often than not, the prospect of living in our dream homes can cloud our judgment insomuch that we are willing to go beyond our budget because we are very much taken by a beautiful home. However, take the sparkles off of your eyes and check if your finances are in order before making an offer. Calculate your debt to income ratio and make sure that is manageable and is within rich. At the time, you might feel like you can make it work and that buying a home out of your budget would ultimately pay off. But, remember, paying a mortgage that is too high might end up being a financial encumbrance and would ruin your overall satisfaction and happiness in your investment. After all, just because you can borrow a certain amount to buy a more expensive home does not mean that you should.

Know the potential

First-time home buyers tend to go into the endeavor without managing their expectations which means they would likely disqualify homes that do not tick off all the boxes in their needs and wants list. However, these unrealistic expectations can deter you in the long run as demanding too much of your first home would often mean missing out on the subtle charms it already has as well as its hidden potential. For the littlest and tiniest imperfections, look for ways on how you can improve it instead of dismissing it right away.

Research the neighborhood

More often than not, a home’s location is so much more important than the home itself. In this regard, you ought to find a home that is located in a safe neighborhood that is in proximity to educational institutions as well as commercial establishments and shopping centers. Do not zero your focus on the home alone and look for one that is located in a great neighborhood as well. Choose a neighborhood with a strong sense of community and is safe and secure.

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Sharing Spaces: Four Excellent Signs You Are Ready to Live Together

“To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. To a woman, the first kiss is just the end of the beginning. But to a man, it is the beginning of the end.” –Author Unknown

Moving in together can be bliss.

Incidentally, it is also a huge milestone for most relationships—insomuch that in one way or another, it is only one step shy away from marriage. Some might even argue that moving in together is more of a radical change than getting married only because of just how much you would need to adapt to assimilate into your new life. Unfortunately, while moving in together might predictably seem like the next big step most long-term couples would take, there is no right time to do it. Some couples would do it right off the bat, while the rest would wait for a significant number of years before electing to live under one room.

Furthermore, there is a myriad of reasons why couples would wish to move in together, ranging from practicality to quixotic. In some cases, moving in together can be seen as an excellent segue for marriage or at least, a trial period for it. However, while the reasons for moving in may be varied, there are definite signs in your couplehood that would mark your capability and potential for moving in and sharing space together. So, before you and your partner start scouring leaflets for units in Avida Taguig or elsewhere, you might want to know whether you and your partner are ready to take the next step.

Here are just some of the signs that you might be ready to move in together:

1.) You understand each other’s habits

It has been said that familiarity breeds contempt and in some ways, this sentiment might be true. In fact, you might discover just how true that statement might be once you and your partner start living under one roof. It can be that their little quirks that you once overlooked or found cute would irritate you on an everyday basis. Living in proximity to someone whose odd habits can quickly escalate into a fight if they remain unaddressed or if you refuse to understand and adapt to them. Conflicts are inevitable, but if you find that your partner’s habits would constantly grate your nerves, you might wish to rethink your prospective living arrangement.

2.) You can talk about money

Most relationships fail because couples would refuse to address their pecuniary issues. It has been found that money can be a major cause of anxiety in relationships insomuch that some partners might be dishonest about how they spend their money and would only come clean once a financial snag comes up. Before you even consider moving in together, financial struggles and troubles should be attended to and thoroughly discussed. Putting them off until you are already under one roof would be too late. Remember, you are going to be splitting a range of expenses from the rent down to the groceries. If your partner cannot keep his or her finances in order, you cannot realistically expect to keep on picking up their slack. If either of you does not know how to live like a responsible adult, then you might not be ready to live together just yet.

3.) It is inconvenient (and impractical) to live separately

Although spending a lot of time together does not make for a compelling reason to move in together, if your schedules are synchronized and lined up insomuch that living apart is actually inconvenient (not to mention, impractical) then take that as a sign that you are ready. Apart from the obvious benefit of having your partner just in within your reach, living together can significantly reduce your monthly expenses. In this regard, if living together is the most workable tack especially if it means less of a hassle for you, then go ahead and consider it.

4.) You acknowledge that it would be a challenge

Living together, while blissful on the outset, is not always sunshine and rainbows. In this regard, it is pivotal that the both of you have an awareness of the potential struggles you might have to put up with. Moreover, it would make sense if you discussed this head on to avoid conflicts and arguments down the road. Furthermore, discussing what prospective issues you might have would help the both of you manage your expectations from your living setup. No matter how in love the both of you might seem, you are still two different persons and you incompatibilities might flare up when closeted in that proximity. Be sure you know how to handle each other when tensions flare up.


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Tenancy 101: Five Things to Know Before Renting Residential Properties

“If you have not found it yet, keep looking. Do not settle. As with all matters of the heart, you will know it when you find it.” -Steve Jobs

Owning a home has long been considered the pinnacle of your financial goals. After all, a home is considered as a keystone of wealth and stability insomuch that owning one would pretty much settle you for life. However, while owning real estate is regarded as one of the best investments in the world, it does not mean that you should jump right onto it. At this point in your life — –whether financially, emotionally or physically–it might make more sense to rent a flat out instead of buying it. However, just because you are renting does not mean you do not have to be the least meticulous about the prospective properties you are looking to rent out.

One of the pivotal aspects of renting a residential property is looking for one that befits your lifestyle and is strategically located such as a 1br condo for rent in BGC. Some other things that may contribute to your decision-making process would be the monthly lease and the size. In any case, before you rent out property, it is imperative to have a list of considerations and see if the potential properties you are checking out will meet your criteria. If you do not know where to start, take a gander at the list below to have an idea of what you should be looking for when you are looking for a residential property to rent:

1.) Research the area

Before moving in, it is best to have a general idea about where you will be billeting yourself. Sure, it might be just a few blocks away from where you work, but is it near a hospital? If you have kids, is the location in proximity to any good schools? Is it located just right across a noisy club? Before signing the lease contract, you need to be a hundred percent sure that you are okay with the surroundings. You might be paying an affordable rent only to discover that you can barely sleep at night owing to the noise right across the street.

2.) Know if pets are allowed

If you have any furry friends with you, then know if they are as welcome as you are in your prospective rental flat. Ask the landlord what his or her policy on pets are. Just because you love your little pooch does not mean that your landlord would automatically love them as well. Discuss it early on so that you can either reach a compromise or look elsewhere if little scruffy is not allowed in the area.

3.) Check the appliances

Ideally, it is best to live in a rental flat that comes with all the basic amenities such as kitchen and laundry appliances. If the prospective rental property you are checking out has them, be sure to thoroughly inspect them and report any defects or signs of disrepair. Generally, if appliances are included in the inventory on the agreement, the landlord is obligated to deliver them in working order to the tenant and to confirm in writing that they are all working accordingly. Should there be any defective items, clarify with your landlord in writing as well as to whether the landlord would agree to repair or replace said items.

4.) Inspect every nook and cranny

It is imperative that you do a thorough inspection of the prospective property you are hoping to rent. In this regard, check for any leaks and run taps on the shower and see if the shower works accordingly. Any problems found can be reported and addressed early on by the landlord. Doing a comprehensive sweep of the property before signing the lease contract is important so that these are all resolved even before moving in. Overlooking them now might place you in a difficult situation wherein you would not be able to settle them later.

5.) Know how much money you need to pay in advance

Having an idea of how much you need to pay in advance would help you determine how much you need to save in order to afford moving in. A month’s worth of rent is generally what most landlords would ask for, although it would purely depend on what the landlord will stipulate. Moreover, deposits are usually within the scope of a landlord’s discretion, but you can negotiate that amount as well. Just be sure to be on the same page as your landlord is so that you would not get yourself into a legal snarl.


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What To Do at Vertis North: A Guide

Vertis North is the latest hangout in the North.
If you want variety from the shopping choices at Trinoma or the lively crowds at SM North EDSA, you can recharge in the refreshing urban setting of Vertis. The area has a mall, green walkways, corporate buildings, and its own Seda Hotel.

Vertis North is unlike any establishments in the area. Its exclusivity and proximity to comfort make it an exciting hangout spot in the city. The citizens of Quezon City and the hip and chill people who wish to hang out can visit the whole block.

Here are seven things to do while at North EDSA.

1. Catch a fan meet at the ABS-CBN Vertis Tent.

vertis tent, vertis north, abs-cbn, abs-cbn vertis north tent

Photo by ABS-CBN Social Media Newsroom

Is there an idol you’ve been dying to meet? Worry no more a there’s safe and accessible place to see your favorite artist up close. You can purchase tickets for a fan meet where you can have an autograph signed and catch a few performances from your favorite person in the world.

Come prepared with a few questions or small token to give to your idol. The event usually lasts for an hour or two depending on the number of artists and their prepared program. Most of all, it depends on their fans. Vertis Tent can hold almost 2000 people.


2. Shop homegrown brands.

the craft central, store, craft store

Photo by The Craft Central

If you are looking for craft supplies for calligraphy and artwork, you can head to The Craft Central. The store has calligraphy pens, watercolor products, and several workshop materials. It also has different journal covers and fillers, notebooks, and famous art supply brands.

Vertis North has Apartment 8 Atelier and features the best formal and casual wear of the brand. It’s minimal style, soft colors, and artistic cut makes the brand a go-to for ladies who dress up for a special occasion.

Some shops at Vertis North are Straightforward and Retail Lab x Fifth Rack. Straightforward is a local brand featuring men’s casual clothing from sweaters to board shorts. Meanwhile, Fifth Rack and Retail Lab are concept stores. They house different local brands so shoppers can find them in one place.


3. Watch the latest flick at the movie theaters.


Photo by Gadget Addict

Vertis North Cinemas currently has ongoing Monday Madness promo series. Co-workers can show their IDs to avail the buy one take one ticket sale. Bond with your movie mate with the showing of the action-packed The Incredibles II or the empowering women of Ocean’s 8.


4. Belt out tunes at the Time Zone Karaoke Hubs.


Photo by Lifestyle Bucket

If you’re fresh from a breakup, head to Time Zone and sing your heart out in their deluxe karaoke rooms. The screens have electronic songbooks besides the old-fashioned flip and enter. The K-Town part of the mall will also have a karaoke hub soon so watch out for that.

If singing isn’t in your alley, you can play air hockey, arcade games, Guitar Hero and other innovative sources of entertainment that will make you sweat.


5. Meet a furry friend during the weekend.

paws cafe karaoke

Photo by Vertis North

Drop by the PAWS Pet Cafe open Fridays to Sundays from 1-9 PM until July 29. The cafe is at the Level 1 Atrium. The cafe is available to everyone as long as you pick from any of these ways:

  • Order a minimum or food an/or drink from the available menu outside the cafe registration booth.
  • Purchase a minimum amount of P200 of any Pet Discount Inc. products at the booth.
  • Pay P200 as your registration fee.

All transactions must be at the registration booth. After payment, sign up for a scheduled timeslot. Each customer can stay for a maximum of 45 minutes inside the PAWS Pet Cafe.


6. Dine with the family.

papermon mille cake

Photo by PaperMoon Cafe

If you want an all-day breakfast meal, you can head to Pancake House and avail their exclusive offers. There’s also the new additions to the menu of Pepper Lunch. You can try their Cheese Rollers and Beef Aglio Olio.

There is also authentic Japanese cuisine. Watch out for the Oppa Chicken in the K-Town section of the mall. The area will soon have several samgyeopsal restaurants to satisfy your palate.

To wash off the flavors, you can have coffee at the Zoo Cafe or taste the heavenly desserts at PaperMoon Cafe. PaperMoon has tarts, specialty cakes, and Mille crepes. These desserts will make you come back for more.


7. Have a grand stay at Seda Hotel.


Photo by Staycation Philippines

A staycation in the city? What more can you ask?

Seda Vertis North is a prime location for a family or couple staycation. It has an e-lounge, a chef’s table, and connecting suites.

If the room is your primary concern, don’t fret. It has a spacious bedroom designed for relaxation and comfort. It the conveniences of modern home- work life, from WiFi to HDMI connections.

A family bathroom has a bathtub and separate showers. It also has signature toiletries. Most of all, it has a walk-in closet and an ironing board.

It has everything you need to have the most comfortable stay in the city.

Vertis North brings life to the heart of Quezon City. It blends urban living, leisure, and comfort in one area. When in Vertis North, everything is within your reach.

8 Add-Ons to Upgrade Pre-Installed Kitchen Islands

Hold your thought about kitchen islands.
They aren’t there to occupy most of the kitchen floor space. The island offers extra surface during rigorous food prep, storage for cooking items and utensils, and a block keeping hungry guests at bay. Some homeowners aren’t used to the concept of islands and counters. They prefer the traditional dining set.

Contemporary house and lot and condo units have kitchen islands. The structure of these homes undertakes the importance of storage units and maximizing the floor layout. However, the style and form of pre-installed kitchen islands don’t overlap with the homeowner’s acquired taste. A condo at Bonifacio High Street requires a modern piece. It may be something unique and grounded to match the city’s energy.

Try not to fret if the kitchen counter doesn’t fit your style. There are several ways to upgrade pre-installed kitchen islands. These items will elevate and bring the kitchen island to life.

1. Bars

wok, cooking, stove, stir fry, vegetables

Towel bars offer the best solutions for organization hacks. Kitchen with limited space will benefit from the smart and efficient uses of these thin bars. Install a long bar to hold or store lids when cooking. It also prevents them getting lost in the back of cabinets. It is also perfect for displaying sets of pans and collection of mugs. Other than hand towels, it solves storage problems by providing *an anchor for baskets.

2. Hooks

mugs, black hook, white back, i love new york, black mug, white mug, blue mug

Whether its adhesive hooks, anchors or plain old nails, hooks are organizing superstars. They camouflage wires, conceal plastic trash bags, distribute measure cups, hang kitchen wraps and pot lids, and basket for extra storage. Hooks are smaller than bars so they won’t get in the way of work and existing kitchen design.

3. Stools

sink, black stool, padded seat, sink, pendant light, white kitchen

Think of height, style, and comfort when finding the right kitchen stool. First, measure the height of island’s surface. There must be 9 to 13 inches between the seat and the counter. Chair stools are 18 inches high from the floor to the seat. It works with surfaces 28 to 30 inches in height. Counter stools are 24 to 26 inches while bar stools are 28 to 30 from floor to the seat. Counter stools go with tables 36 to 39 inches in height while bar stools require 40 to 42 inches.

The space between each stool is critical for comfort and people’s movement. There’s no problem with style as several materials are complementing various kitchen aesthetics. The island can have a backless, casual or swivel seating.

4. Countertop

white counter, flowers, bottles, kitchen

Good news! It is possible to swap existing kitchen counter with something luxe or low-maintenance. The right countertop follows the home’s overall decorating scheme. A concrete countertop provides a variety of looks depending on its color pigmentation and the amount of aggregate in the mix. Stainless steel has a reflective quality making it perfect for small spaces. The reflection gives a beautiful and elegant look. Copper is pliable and ideal to produce countertops with interesting edges. Moreover, it gives off a warm glow to any kitchen. Other materials like marble, granite, and zinc are viable options as a countertop surface. Adding a glass top is also a game changer.

5. Knobs and Pull

gray surface, black pull, white cabinet, white mug, journal
Changing cabinet handles is a non-committal way to enhance the look of an area. Having knobs and pulls prevents stains on cabinet surfaces and lengthens its lifespan. Hardware also provides ease of access to drawers. It must fit inside your hand and feel right to the touch. There must be no sharp edges and ridges. It must be comfortable for your fingers. Knobs and pulls are the jewelry of the kitchen. They must blend into the area, coordinate the pieces of furniture in it and enhance the design. Before purchasing for the entire kitchen, test it out to get the perfect fit.

6. Appliances

stove, insulation stove, glass top, black counter, kitchen

Instead of placing the oven, dishwasher or dryer in a different spot, have it built on the kitchen island. It will give you additional floor area for cabinets, cooking ranges, refrigerator, oven, extra seating or the sink. Installing it on the isle conceals wiring and unalluring backside of the appliance. Most of all, the setup saves the item from damage.

7. Shelves

bowl, jars, mugs, wood shelf, kitchen, while wall
Open shelves offer freedom to store and take cooking ingredients and utensils anytime you need them. It also prevents accidents and ruckus from bumping into cabinet doors and handles. If aiming for aesthetic, fret not. Open shelving is charming and classy as it displays food stock and baking ingredients in fancy jars and pretty containers. Customizing the stackables on the shelf uplifts repurposed old bookshelves of drilled wood from a previous project. However, beware of low-lying shelves if there are children at home. Place a glass casing to prevent them from grabbing stuff on display.

8. Trim

wood, trim, wood surface, white island, kitchen

Adding trim to the surface of your kitchen island changes the look and vibe of the kitchen. Uniform scallops produce a vintage, laid-back beach house vibe. Irregularly shaped waves transform the room into a modern and playful dining area. Explore different trimming designs before settling on one to find the best fit for the house.

The kitchen is a small and messy area, but it’s no excuse to make it a work of art. The kitchen island can be the star of the room with the right add-on, finishes, and trim. When this happens, family members and guests can have an enjoyable dining experience.

Hunt Down These Sports Gear at 4 Local Sporting Stores

Players require appropriate sporting gear to deliver the best performance. Besides optimal performance, some sports need equipment to play them. Others require protective gear to minimize the impact of a collision and prevent injuries.

If you wish to try a new sport or release your adrenaline, you must purchase the necessary items below. It’s best to arm yourself before heading to the playing field.


Mizuno, Abreeza Mall

baseball, catcher, game, hitter, bat

Photo by Nathaniel Yeo on Unsplash

First Baseman’s Mitt

First basemen receive throws from infielders and catch attempts from pitchers. Thus, their gloves are different from the rest of the players in the field. First basemen and catchers are the only ones to wear mitts. The leather mitt has a deep pocket to withstand several catches. It has open style-webbing to scoop throws or stop ground balls without bringing amounts of dirt. The robust curved edged design and large size make it easy for infielders to spot the player.

Catcher’s Mitt

A catcher’s mitt is smaller than the first baseman’s. It has a closed webbing for quick moving balls and conceals pitch calls. If you want a better view of incoming balls, you may consider open webbing. You can have padding on your mitt for protection, but it will come with a smaller pocket. Using mitt an inch bigger to provide the full pocket you need. Catcher’s mitt uses the measure of the player’s circumference.

Catcher’s Mask and Chest Protector

Often, expensive gear is lighter and absorbs more energy than cheap gear. Some equipment uses an advanced material with less weight even if it offers the same protection as its alternatives. Bulky equipment slows down as the player when running or throwing to bases. Protective gear must have the right fit so it won’t move and expose the body from injury.

There are two types of helmet you can choose – traditional mask or hockey style. The traditional style is earless and worn from the backside. This feature offers players vision of the field and makes it easy to toss it after a play. The hockey style is the most comfortable and has the most protection. Both helmets are adjustable to fit the shape of the wearer’s head.

Basketball and Soccer Equipment

Planet Sports, UP Town Center


man, shadow, play, basketball, court, practice, shoot

Photo by Tom Pottiger on Unsplash

An all-around basket player needs footwear with a perfect fit for running in a straight line or quickly shift direction. The shoe must keep your heel in place, offer ankle support and have enough cushion to make you comfortable during the game.

Your feet will be in contact with the force when playing soccer so you must know its parts. That way, you can select the shoes which complement your performance during the game. The material of the insole, midsole, outsole, vamp, and cleats all affect the construction of footwear aimed at specific playing surfaces.

Soccer ball

soccer, grass, soccer field, ball, soccer ball

Photo by Ian Higbee on Unsplash

Soccer balls may have a casing made of PVC (polyvinyl carbonate), PU (polyurethane), a combination of PVC/PU, or synthetic leather. PVC balls are cheap, and PU balls are softer to touch than PVC ones. Synthetic leather balls are the easiest to control. The ball comes in five sizes, so it’s best to check with a coach on restrictions before buying one. It also varies depending on the type of game and playing field.

Golfing Gear

Mizuno, Harbor Point Mall

golf, golf clubs, golf bag

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov from Unsplash


A primary set must include the putter, pitching wedge, sand wedge, three, five, seven and nine irons; the three wood; the driver. A beginner set of clubs is ideal in case you plan to quit, but a full set of clubs is a must after a year of playing. You will have an additional three pitching wedge irons, yet you must select a separate putter. A blade type putter is great for starters. You can choose between graphite and steel shafts. If you are a committed golfer, you can customize your golf clubs to fit your size and swing.

Golf shoes

Since your feet will carry most of your weight, you must select a comfortable pair. Modern pairs vary in appearance. There are dress-style shoes, athletic style, and golf sandals. Comfortable pairs of shoes come in different price ranges so you must think of your price requirements before settling on footwear. Also, don’t forget to try it for a walk and a few swings if possible. It gives you an idea how it feels when using it.

Decathlon, Festival Mall

Golf gloves

Find out the material you prefer to use. Leather gloves turn soft when you use them frequently. Still, it lasts longer than gloves made of other materials. Meanwhile, synthetic gloves offer better grip during hot and wet weather conditions. The glove must fit each finger and slide smoothly in the palm of your hand. You must use the Velcro closure or attach the snap to secure it in place. There should be enough material between the ends of each finger. Too much indicates you have the wrong size of glove.


You must purchase the right tee to regulate the height of your swing. Typical lengths of golf tees come in three sizes – 2.75, 3.25 and 4 inches. If you tee off with wood, hybrid club or iron, you must use the smallest tees. Those who wish to use tees above the grass can use 1 1/2 or 2 1/8 inches while players with large hands can opt for 3.25 and 4-inch tees.

Tennis Equipment

tennis, man, racquet

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash


Power or game improvement racquets are for players with shorter and slower swings. They are lightweight and feature an oversized to super-oversized heads. ‘Tweener racquets are head-light to head-heavy and extended in length. On the other hand, control or player racquets are heavy with small heads. The weight of the head is symmetrical with its body.

Tennis shoes

A pair of playing shoes is flat with a pattern on its soles. The designs depend on the terrain of the playing court. A durable sole is necessary for baseline players due to their constant lateral motion. Serve-and-volley players need a shoe with a durable toecap and medial on the arch to support their back foot. Foot type also plays a role when selecting proper tennis footwear. Overpronators need stabilizing tennis shoes while under pronators are better off with flexible kinds of shoes to alleviate shock issues during swift lateral movements.

Protective gear, playing equipment and accessories are a must when playing a team or individual sports. Finding the right fit and material is essential to improve your game.

The Top Four Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers Make


“You cannot have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you.” –Marissa Mayer


Buying a first home in today’s real estate market should be relatively easy. However, for those who are going into the venture sans the experience, it can be rather confusing and a tad bit frustrating at times. As of recent times, the housing market is showing no signs of declining and slowing down—in this regard, many prospective homeowners would feel incredibly confident about the timeliness of their purchase should they choose to buy a house now. However, if one travels through the unchartered  (in the case of first-time homebuyers at least) paths of buying and acquiring homes, mistakes and oversights are easily made. If you are a budget or have saved up for this monumental milestone (as is the case with most first-time homebuyers), you cannot really afford to make any error that would inevitably lead to a financial blunder.

Regardless of how small a financial mistake might be, making the wrong move in a saturated market would often lead to pecuniary remorse and inevitably, home buying misery. Unfortunately, first-time homebuyers are predisposed to committing these errors if they are left to their own devices and are armed with insufficient information. In any case, you can mitigate the chances of committing these lapses if you are equipped with prior knowledge prior to making your first purchase. Whether you are eyeing your first home to be in Avida Towers Cebu or elsewhere, here are some common first-time homebuyer mistakes you ought to avoid:


Buying a home that is too expensive

What is expensive and cheap is relative to how much the homebuyer actually earns. However, regardless of what kind of home you are looking to purchase, you should always remember to stay within your budget. How much you can afford largely varies but it depends on your debt to income ratio. Remember, you are not only going to be spending for the home alone, you would also have to take into account your monthly utility bills, groceries, insurance, etc.

Not hiring a realtor

As this is your initial venture into buying a home, it would bode you well if you worked with a professional whose expertise is in how real estate works. More often than not, homebuyers would rather forego the assistance of a real estate agent thinking that this is just another expense. Sure, it might be another aspect to pay for but think of it as a worthy investment. After all, you would stand to spend more should you purchase a home without the aid of an agent.

Not leaving room in the budget for other expenses

Unlike renting, owning a home would mean that if something breaks, you have to fix it. However, most first-time homebuyers do not seem to realize this. As a result, they would often not leave any room in the budget for any other expense. Your budget should not only comprise of what you pay for the initial down payment of your first home. In fact, it should cover a myriad of things. In this regard, you should also ensure that you leave enough to have extra money each month should you ever have the need for it.

Putting too much or too little down

Coming up with the down payment is already a major challenge when it comes to buying your first home, so defraying most of your home’s total price should be a good thing, right? Not necessarily. Putting up too much money for the down payment would cause a severe imbalance on your money savings and as a result, you may end up bungling your monthly budget. In this regard, you should not be overeager about paying up majority of your first home’s total price. Instead, pay just enough that you would still have a little legroom in your monthly budget to ensure you can cover any other expenses should you need it. Remember, you cannot always plan for every contingency, so should an emergency happen, you want to be adequately prepared financially.


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A Guide to Suburban Neighborhood in the South

There’s a sprouting suburb in the South, and you don’t know if moving there is a good move.

Vermosa is a suburban development that features active living. It’s in Cavite, and it perfectly combines residences, retail spots and business hubs in one area, which make it seem like a good place to settle down. But hold your train of thought. Did you consider what you need to know before buying a house? Do you know what kind of neighborhood will be at Vermosa?

Before setting your sights on this new development, read on to find out the standards of what makes a good neighborhood.

There are street walks.

And those streetwalkers are for walking.

Some residential communities are disorderly, so cyclists pass through pavements instead. A neighborhood with functional road walks prioritizes walking over the use of vehicles. Low-carbon communities have sidewalks wide enough for bicycles and establishments. It gives the cafés liberty to set up tables for outdoor lounging.

A spacious sidewalk also gives room to set up benches – a great feature for relaxation and people watching.


There are various transportation modes.

What a nice feeling to have when travel from work to home is a breeze. Often, an exclusive neighborhood isn’t commute-friendly and is only accessible through private vehicles. An ideal community should be available through different road networks. You can get to Vermosa via Daang Hari Road, SLEX through the MCX exit, and the upcoming Cavite Laguna Expressway (CALAX) Road – which are also the routes of public transportation. The proposed LRT 6 will pass through Daang Hari Road which makes Vermosa accessible to the bulk of passengers. The community is also less than an hour away from Makati, Manila, Muntinlupa, and Tagaytay.


There is a foundation for education.

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ), a member of De La Salle Philippines (DLSP), is an established educational institution in the South. It will open its second campus in Vermosa to provide quality basic and secondary education. DLSZ is also an establishment that pronounces spiritual and moral maturity through the teachings of Christ.

The DLSZ-Vermosa Campus will implement the Next Generation Blended Learning Program which will include the latest trend and innovation regarding teaching strategies and educational research.


There are high-value residences.

Property value varies greatly from one development to another. A neighborhood with quality housing options allows people with the different financial capability to lead a quiet and comfortable life. When there are lots of people are waitlisted, it is a sign that the particular neighboorhood is hot on the market.

Vermosa will have diverse living options with Ayala Land’s urban residential developers – Alveo, Avida, and Ayala Land Premier. Alveo offers upscale residences while Avida is perfect for compact city living.

Since Vermosa is a new community, most of the people in the neighborhood are homeowners. An area with high rate of homeownership is stable. Renters are mobile and flaky, so they don’t add value to the community. Long-time residents have been there all way. They watch out for their neighbors, which makes the area feel safe and secure.


There are communal facilities.


Vermosa has a total of 165 hectares of open space for wellness and recreation, training facilities, and retail shops.

There’s Vermosa Sports and Lifestyle Complex which will have an Olympic-sized pool, a 400-meter track oval, and a Sports Science laboratory that caters to all the training needs of endurance athletes. The MX Track and the Bike Skills Park offer a place to fill the need for speed and thrills for bikers.

There’s Vermosa Midtown, a pedestrian-focused, bike-friendly area with a commercial district. The Ayala Malls Vermosa will be within the limits of Midtown and will complement the active life of Vermosa by housing sports-themed retail stores.

A contemporary active living is kept alive in Vermosa with its engaging facilities for its residents. Besides these amenities, a balanced community should have a place of worship. It shows the collective and strength of the community.

There should be a hospital, police and fire station.

Safety first.

The right neighborhood adds value to the entire community, not just to the houses separately. You can check out if the community is fit for you if it has the qualities on this list besides the things that you want. Your new neighborhood should meet your standards and if you’ve found it in Vermosa, then go ahead. Enjoy the fulfilling life of active lifestyle.

Five Important Things to Know When Living Alone

“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what is right.” -Brigham Young

So, you have graduated college, established a career and are now prepared to embark on your life’s next milestone. You have saved enough money to finally live on your own and away from your family to discover new heights and reach your fullest potential. Indeed, living alone can be quite a thrill. The freedom and independence that come along with it are nothing short of exhilarating. However, while living alone means no one can prevent you from doing anything and everything you like, it does not mean that it comes without a set of responsibilities. Before you start scouring the metropolis for prospective Manila properties you can live in, know that living alone means having to fend for yourself. After all, you only have yourself to rely on so it would be understandable to expect a degree of answerability to yourself as a consequence.

For some, the responsibilities that do entail in living independently may be too cumbersome to handle, while others may flourish in their solitude. Regardless, if you have even given living alone some consideration, here are things you should know and expect:

1.) There will be unplanned expenses

No matter how meticulously you partitioned your monthly salary for utility bills, groceries and the like, know that there will be unplanned yet inevitable expenses. No, these are no the things you buy on a whim or an impulse. There are likely events that would cost you to fork some cash to maintain a semblance of livability in your home. An example of this is an appliance breaking down on you or some plumbing repairs that would need to be immediately taken care of. These are things that cannot wait until the next month for repairs if you want to live comfortably.

2.) You need a decent amount of money

Suppose you have gone through leaflets and scoured the web for the ideal home and found one. To your surprise, it is just within your budget. Unfortunately, it might not be as simple as you think. Apart from the money you pay for rental dues, there might be a security deposit you would need to defrag as well. Depending on where you live, your landlord might even request a consigner for the least. To top all that, if you are going to live in an unfurnished flat, you would also need to have your own furniture to fill it up with. With all this in mind, it is important to have a decent amount of savings before deciding on living alone.

3.) Read your contract

If you are planning on renting out a flat, take note that you need to read your lease contract thoroughly. This is because the contents within are legally binding and if you neglect to read it, you may be inadvertently agreeing to something you actually do not. It might be tempting to skim over a lot of pages instead of poring over them then sign it at once, but you will be glad you did not do that if you find something you are not amenable to. Remember, should you break your lease, you are bound to pay up.

4.) You cannot take everything

You might want to pack every single thing you have in your parents’ house that you own, but know that this might not be possible. For one, the space you have might be limited and another thing, you will have more work to do and would have to expend more effort. Additionally, you might end up just filling your new flat with a lot of clutter as well.

5.) You need to spruce up

Living alone means cleaning up for yourself unless you want to live in a hovel. Everything you own would inevitably get dirty and the longer you put them for cleaning later, the more grime they accumulate. Apart from your dishes, you are responsible for your laundry and the general cleanup of your flat. So, if you want to live comfortably (and healthily I might add), it is best if you clean up regularly.