Home Selling Success: Four Real Estate Communication Barriers (and How to Deal with Them)


“Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good results”-Warren Buffet


Anyone who has ever had even the slightest brush with selling real estate properties would be well aware of just how difficult and challenging the endeavor can be.

Even for seasoned professionals in the field such as real estate agents, getting through a client and turning the transaction into a successful sale can be quite a challenging feat. After all, while real estate properties are perpetually in demand, you deal with a variety of acreages and homes that come in a range of asking prices. More importantly, you deal with different clients and how well you communicate with them is pivotal to whether you would successfully make sale or not. Every transaction will be different just as how every client is unique and how successful a particular transaction would be hinged on your ability to convey your offers with your client, how well you can establish rapport with them and gain their trust. Remember, to finally close a deal with your prospective homebuyers and potential clients; there are communication gaps and barriers you would need to overcome and hurdle—some of which would form a complex of communication difficulties of which most real estate agents routinely face.

So, whether you are pitching a deal to your client who is looking for a 1br condo for rent in Makati or elsewhere, you need to be at least aware of what the potential difficulties and impediments you would likely face. This is to ensure that you would be able to address them better. In any case, here is a compilation of typical scenarios and tips that can be helpful in ensuring you bridge the communication gap between you and your client:


Lacking interest in the client’s needs

When it comes to a transaction with a client, keep in mind that their needs are paramount. As a real estate agent, it is your responsibility to take time to understand their needs and just how exactly you can give them a deal that would address that. Focusing on making a sale would only drive your client away—especially if you are doing a hard sell. Instead of being so fixated on making a sale, sit down with your client and ask them why they would need to buy a unit first to determine what exactly it is they are looking for. In this way, you prevent the possibility of turning them off on your initial meeting.


Lacking knowledge about the projects you are offering

Some may call this a novice mistake, but it is rather surprising how so many real estate agents do not even have the slightest clue about the industry they are or even the projects they are offering. As a real estate agent, you act as the median between your client and the property developer insomuch that you should have sufficient knowledge about what you are trying to sell. When a client asks you questions, you should be able to answer them to their satisfaction. An agent who is unable to address these queries would come off as unprepared and unprofessional and would result in a client losing their trust in them. To ensure that this does not happen, research your product and study as much as much about your industry as you can. Remember, as a real estate agent; you are expected to be somewhat of an expert about what you are selling. So, live up to that expectation by always coming to client meetings prepared.


Using real estate jargon

While you are expected to use real estate jargon in your sales spiel, it should only be to a reasonable extent. Keep in mind that your clients have absolutely no idea about what these words probably mean or if they do, they are not fully aware of its connotation. It is only very rare that you can encounter a prospective client who would have an excellent handle on the real estate jargon you would be spewing and would consequently be able to comprehend your spiel. In this regard, you should be able to convey your offer explicitly to the client in such a way that they would be able to understand it completely. Similarly, do not plow through your meeting without stopping every now and then to address your client’s questions. Do not make your spiel sound too over-complicated by peppering it with unfamiliar and technical terms. You may think like you sound professional, but you are not getting anywhere near that sale. To ensure that there is no misunderstanding between you and your clients, take a moment to translate real estate jargons in your spiel. Alternatively, you can offer your spiel as simply as you possibly can. Remember, a client rarely every buys something that they cannot understand. So, remedy that by keeping your pitch straightforward and simple.


Failing to focus on what the client is saying

Understandably, you would be handling more than just one client in a single day. In fact, you might have a full schedule filled with client meet-ups daily, and that is reasonable. However, as a real estate agent, you should not let your full schedule distract you from your client meetings insomuch that you would be unable to focus on what a potential homebuyer is trying to tell you in a meeting. Multi-tasking might be something you can expertly execute, but this should be avoided whenever you are with a homebuyer. Concentrate on them and look for tacit and explicit cues in order to give them a better deal. Remember, the client gave you their time, be respectful when they are with you. Stow your phones away and keep it silent. Listen attentively and answer pertinent questions appropriately. By doing so, you would be able to furnish a perfect property deal for your client who would not only appreciate the effort but will likely close the deal with you.

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House-Hunting 101: Common House-Hunting Mistakes


“House hunting is easy. It is the catching it part that is difficult.” –Susan Gale

Buying a home can be an exciting prospect to look forward in your life.

However, it is also true that buying a home can be a very emotional process. However, you should avoid letting these emotions get to the best of you lest you are left with disappointment with your purchase. Indeed, home buying is not an easy endeavor and more often than not, the process is fraught with potential mistakes you might commit—mistakes you should be looking to avoid. No doubt, real estate property will be one of the most significant investments you will ever make, so in this regard, you need to be a little meticulous and discriminating in your house selection.

More importantly, buying a home has many far-reaching implications that range from the location of your property to how you are going to afford the property and still be able to make ends meet. Considering all these, it is inevitable to go through a series of emotions that if left uncheck, can cause us to make irrational decisions. To ensure that this does not happen and to prevent any kind of purchasing regrets, keep these tips in mind regardless of whether you are buying property in One Roxas Triangle or elsewhere:


Falling in love with a house you cannot afford

To be sure that you do not fall in love with a house that you cannot afford, it is best that you only check out properties that are within your price range. In this regard, it is pivotal to come up with a realistic budget of what you can afford before you even begin your hunt. Take note: Once you have fallen in love with a particular home, it can be hard to surface from that. And if you tried, it can potentially hurt. You start envisioning what your life would be like in your prospective new home and before you know it, you might start making offers you cannot realistically afford. If your offer has some teeth to it, you could be looking at years upon years of debt and even if you did not make an offer, you would only be breaking your heart at the thought of never owning the property. With this in mind, check properties that are within your price range and never go beyond. Doing so will only invite heartbreak.

Assuming there is nothing better out there

A novice—rookie even—mistake most first-time homebuyers commit is to assume that there is no property better than the one they have found if it so happens that the property in question ticks all of the boxes in their checklist. However, this is a major oversight as you are doing yourself a major disservice by not checking out the other houses in the area which—more often than not—are nearly identical to the one you have found. More importantly, these properties might be at a better price point than the one you have. Regardless of how long your must-have list is, there is always a chance that there are several homes out there that would meet your needs. If there are any snags to the property you like, it is best if you have an alternative option. Be open to keep on looking as this will save you from making any hasty decision which you might regret later.

Being desperate

When you have been looking for a while and getting outbid on the houses that you want or worse, not seeing any properties that you do like, it is understandable to have that pressing need to get that new property now. Unfortunately, there is a very likely chance that you would end up buying a house that you would inevitably hate. If you try to live with it by fashioning it after the dream home you do have in mind, remember that this can cause you exorbitantly—costs that you could have avoided had you not made the rash decision to secure a real estate property right away. If time is on your side, relax—wait until something you like comes a long. So long as your needs and demands are within your budget and realistic as well, you are sure to find property that you can live with.

Overlooking significant flaws

Once you have found a property that checks most of the items in your checklist and meets most of your demands and needs, it can be rather easy to compromise on the things you do not want—such as faulty utilities and fixtures. However, while minor flaws can be easy to repair, remember that this not always the case. Some properties have major problems that would be difficult, expensive or even impossible to repair. Before making an offer or an expensive commitment, consider your options and wait until a better property or offer comes along. If you are insistent on securing the property, at least try to haggle the asking price and make sure that it is reasonable and commensurate to the overall condition of the prospective property you are looking to buy.

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Home Living: Four Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Live Together Before Marriage


“I am not a big advocate of living together before marriage. It can be the right thing, but it can also leave two people stuck together who have not figured out what they really want out of a relationship.”-Emily Yoffe


Today, most modern couples are shacking up together and have started living their lives under one roof.

After all, there is no point in living separately when rental fees or real estate is priced at a premium. However, it is also highly likely that we have been told that we should never try living under one roof with our significant other without the benefit of marriage. Coming from a deeply religious family, shacking up before I have tied the knot was always something my own mother warned me about. The usual story goes that I would be living in sin and that the longer I live with someone, the less likely they are going to marry me.

After all, as the saying goes: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? However, antiquated and rather archaic beliefs aside, there are a few reasons why you should not jump into the idea of living with your significant other just yet. Sure, the idea might seem romantic—exciting even as who would not love waking up and sleeping next to their partners day after day? However, before you start building on the idea and scouring for properties in One Roxas Triangle or elsewhere, it is best to be aware of what you are getting into.

So, before testing the strength of your relationship or the enduring resilience of your love by moving in together, here are some of the things you ought to know about and why you should decide against the idea:


Solitude should be embraced

When you are on your own, you have your own space. You have a designated room where you can be as you are. However, all these are pretty much extinguished when you are living with a significant other. Once you are sharing a room, the both of you would be compromising on the color of the duvets or what kind of pillows you should use. Furthermore, you might be constrained to sacrifice some of your belongings. After all, space would be limited and you cannot realistically expect to stuff your shared room with all of your belongings. Compromising would be something the both of you would be doing quite often. So, enjoy your solitude while you still have it.

It gives you a way out should you need it

More often than not, couples live under one roof in order to mitigate rental costs and other expenses. However, this is not a good idea until both of you have already had all the difficult and rather unpleasant conversations. This includes what your plans in life for together, if and when you would get married and the like. With this in mind, you should not share a residential property with someone you are not even legally tied to—lest it would cost problems. Admittedly, breaking a rental contract would be a lot easier than getting a divorce or annulment, but you should still think twice about getting into a rental contract with someone if you do not even see yourself with them for the long haul.

You get to live on your own schedule (and terms)

Living with someone means that both of you would have to adapt to each other’s habits. And like stated above, the both of you would need to do a lot of compromising. Living alone means that you can come and go as you please. You have your own schedule without bothering anyone and can work late into the night without the compelling need to stay quiet so as not to disturb others. This is not the case when you are living together as you need to be flexible with each other’s schedules. When it is just you, it would be far easier.

Convenience is not romance

Rental, regardless of where you choose to live which is why most couples would attribute shacking up together to the high rental cost. Living together saves them a significant amount of money and would allow them to split the monthly rental cost. However, if you put it that way, is it romantic at all? Remember, deciding to move in together is a big step and is a rather huge deal. In one way or another, it is one step closer to getting married. So, if you have decided to live together for practical reasons, would it not effectively extinguish the romance and excitement in asking you to take your relationship to the next level? Much like a marriage proposal, most individuals would want it to come from a place of sincere and genuine love instead of lackluster convenience. Take note: this is a decision that would affect the both of you. Incidentally, it would also bind the both of you together. So, if your reason is simply to save some money, would it not defeat the romance in your relationship?

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10 Ways To Improve Confidence and Productivity To Gain Income


Real success is self-improvement. It’s choosing to improve your personality and way of living. Success also covers your ability to serve and relate to others.

If you define success, it is not only your job. It is how you live on Earth. Several people only survive. They do not live to conquer their daily life. Meanwhile, others have a fulfilling life with a job at Nuvali One EvoTech. These people were able to find confidence and become productive to earn their income.

If you want to increase your confidence and become productive, you must read on. You can find useful tips in this guide that will turn and transform your life into an upgraded version.

1. Conquer the pain of getting up early.

Psychologist Ron Friedman says each person has about three hours each day of being in tune with what they are doing. Do not lose this precious time by sleeping in or getting out of bed. The decision to sleep in or catch up on lost snoozing hours robs you of the opportunity to create and do something good for yourself.

2. Begin your day with your priorities.

Set your priorities straight. Be wise and pick the most important activity over what is urgent. It is a wise decision to put the vital and critical stuff first before you can complete your day with fillers. Remember, you can live without fillers, but you cannot miss the crucial decisions in life. Hence, you must be wise in picking and making decisions because things will not take care of themselves once they start falling apart.

3. Do the things you have been avoiding to do.

Everything in your life will suffer if you keep on pushing back the things you must accomplish. Do not avoid what you must finish. Stop procrastinating and neglecting the thing/s you must work on so you can free your time and finally do other stuff in your life.

4. Try and accept a different learning style.

Learning new concepts is always out of the comfort zone. When you open yourself to different experiences and learning styles, you begin to reach the levels out of your comfort zone. You allow your brain to form new connections. You become confident in what you can achieve and start to become a flexible learner. When this happens, you become committed to accomplishing stuff out of your league even if they suck.

5. Answer your “why’s.”

Why do you work? Why do you stay at a crappy job? Why do you eat crappy food? Why do you leave with your parents? Why do you date your current partner?

All of these questions are critical to your existence. These fog your brain and keep you from seeing your dreams, goals, or ambition. When you take time to answer them, you gain clarity. You can use this simple question to examine your goals.

Consequently, ask yourself, “What about ___________ is important to me?” It will help you get to figure out and answer your questions with overcomplicating things. Use the line to question your answers until you are seven questions deep.

6. Become a giver.

People who desperately successful in the aspects of their life where they think they must succeed are takers. They form transactional relationships. They engage in people because they can get something out of the other person. They look forward to the exchanges because they will gain something.

Takers only think of scarcity. They only give an extent because of this thinking. If you want rich and fulfilling relationships, you must learn to give and appreciate what others provide.

7. Choose the quality of your relationships.

Givers who work with other givers enter a transformational relationship. This is the effect of two people coming together to create a something new from the sum of several parts. Meanwhile, a relationship between a giver and a taker is purely transactional. The relationship only lasts until the taker gets what they want or until the giver realizes the situation.

To succeed, you must connect and work with the right people. The right people double the effort and create a whole out of parts. They do not eat the pie until it there is nothing left for both of you. Also, these people stick with you even after conflict. They embrace conflict because it leads to clarity. Clarity improves communication which also affects the quality of the relationship.

8. Avoid sacrificing the quality of your work.

Do not lower your standards for anyone. Do not get things done at the last minute. Try not to sacrifice the quality of the final product as it shows the mark of your character.

If you wish to learn how to improve the quality of your output and pay more attention to details, you must work with craftspeople. These people emphasize the importance of quality in their outcomes. They will teach you how to plan and delegate time. They will show you the ropes on how to exceed expectations. When you learn the way of a craftsman, you become a person who continuously works on raising the quality of your life.

9. Figure out how to get the kind of life you want.

You must remember the kind of life you want does not depend on your paycheck. Money is valuable, but it is merely a tool to purchase and acquire the “things” you need and want. The kind of life you want depends on your dreams and goals. Your answers to your “why” questions will help you realize how you can fit your current lifestyle to your dreams.

Decide how you want to become an asset for yourself and others. It will lead you to the means on how to make things happen.

10. Embrace automation to free up your time.

Unlike money, you cannot generate time. You can get additional time, but you cannot get back the time you lost. Thus, you must use the tools of the 21st century to free up your days. Use technology to finish tasks faster and make your life a breeze.

Utilize the power of automation and the perks of technology. That way, you do not have to worry about delegating your monthly salary to bills and other financial obligations. Lastly, you will not neglect to save some to build your passive income.


These tips will not only improve your confidence and productivity. The tips will also strengthen your relationship with your workmates and yourself. They will enhance the quality of your life and how you see the world. Last but not the least, it will push you to reevaluate your definition of success and the importance of income in your life.


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5 Ways Have A Comfortable Hotel Stay

Vacationers often don’t know what to look for in a hotel room.
When a booking a place to stay, it’s best to look into it and find the best alternative in case something you aren’t satisfied with the hotel’s service. Nothing is more annoying and uncomfortable than looking into vacant rooms during the busy season.

seda hotel, nuvali, pool, seda nuvali, luxury hotel, suites

Photo by Seda Nuvali on Agoda

You can research on factors to consider when choosing a hotel. It helps you filter the available accommodations in your selected vacation spots. Places in the city like hotels in Taguig is close to bistros, clubs, and shopping malls. They are perfect substitutes if you want a break from sceneries and landscapes.

A comfortable hotel stay is all about research. Here are some factors to think about when choosing a hotel.

1. Don’t rely on photos.

Many hotels use the photos of nearby attractions and surrounding areas to cover the lack of hotel’s photos. There aren’t enough to show the contents of the room, hotel facilities as well as breakfast served.

The focus of the hotel’s site and listing must be its room and maintenance. Though it’s nice to have information regarding the area of the hotel, it should not be the primary focus. It sways customers to make informed decisions on their accommodations.

Some websites feature the same photos because they use the images of others. Hotel staff and management didn’t take these photos. Instead, they trick customers by capturing their rooms using fisheye cameras. These cameras make a tiny room appear larger than it is.

It’s important to check the full details of a room to understand its dimensions and inclusions. Once you find a hotel to check in, look at rating websites showing the photographs taken by hotel guests. These are realistic and unedited unlike the photos from the hotel.

2. Use Google Maps.

Before booking a hotel, navigate the area using Google Maps. It provides a complete picture of the place even if you’ve never been in the area. Enter the street name of the hotel to get a glimpse of the area.

Google Maps has two dynamic features – the Street View Photosphere and Directions. The street view shows you how the neighborhood looks like while directions button gives several transportation methods to reach your destination.

Google Maps provides an idea of the neighborhood you select. You may end up in the busy part of Mumbai, Brooklyn, or near the pubs of Amsterdam. Planning helps you look for options and relocate even if you already have the best and most comfortable accommodation in the city.

3. Read advertisements and pamphlets.

If management hands you a paper to sign, read everything before marking it. You never know how much the hotel charges on cancellation, additional guests, and other staff.

Read the fine print before swiping your credit card. Check the hotel cancellation policy to avoid incurring headaches once your credit card bill comes. What about your breakfast meals? Are they part of the price of the room or do you need to settle additional fees for it?

Most of all, think of the taxes. States and nations have different tax laws. Some cities collect taxes because it isn’t part of the room rate. Some hotel booking sites also don’t include the value-added tax on their listings.

4. Check reviews from past guests.

Reviews from real people tell you what to look for when booking a hotel. People write about the hotel’s level of cleanliness, quality of food, service, and its surroundings. Most of all, they write about their experience to attract people to read their reviews.

These content help you figure the advantages and disadvantages from through several perspectives. Combine them to come up with your analysis if it’s worth staying in the place or not.

Besides checking reviews, online testimonials on the hotel’s official website gives you an idea of how they treat their customers. The customized packages, shuttle service, and other offers show how they value their customers.

5. Upgrade to a better room in a cheaper hotel.

Don’t sacrifice your comfort for exclusivity. It’s no use to have your family fitting in a small space. Why not settle for a less exclusive hotel giving a cheaper upgrade?

You can settle in a larger room without overspending or going over your budget. Upgraded rooms are preferable than standard rooms. Still, you must pay attention to the size of the room, offers, and signs of renovation.

To choose the right hotel, think about your budget. Each one has a standard room and a presidential suite. Pay attention to their prices on the website as they show the lowest price for the standard rooms.

The bathroom and the windows affect your convenience and influence the price of the room. Room rates are higher when you have a view of the pool or the sea. Before settling into one, note that sites will show the same images for these rooms. Some photos are the same even when suites are different.

Don’t be fooled by pretty pictures. Consider these tips and check other sites before booking your family’s room.

A comfortable hotel stay doesn’t depend on the pillows, sheets, and mattress type. If you want to enjoy your vacation, you must be smart about hotel booking. Don’t believe all the photos you see on the site. Explore cheaper hotels to get a better deal on bigger rooms. Read reviews from guests and customers. Most of all, don’t sign or pay anything unless you are clear about their conditions.

Learn more about the neighborhood to get a feel for the hotel’s location and its locals. All of these tips help you enjoy your staycation.

Leisure Living: The Five Main Perks of Living by the Sea “



“Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be part.”-Hermann Broch

Have you ever wondered what a perpetual holiday or vacation would look like?
Well, for starters, it is a home by the sea and waking up to the glorious sunrise basking over the gentle and serene ocean ripples. It is having your early morning cup of joe by the sea and inhaling the salty sea breeze and the scent of summer. It is going to sleep at night with the sound of cascading waves to keep you company. Furthermore, it is being at peace with the fact that you are to wake up to this scenario every single day of your life.

It sounds like an idyllic plan, is it not? Unfortunately, while living by the sea affords you the kind of leisure and relaxation that most traditional homeowners live without, most developers offering seaside living would offer their properties at an exorbitant premium. However, while you might be paying quite a pricey down payment for these kinds of properties, know that you are not only paying for the piece of land and house you will be residing in. In one way or another, you are also paying for a life that would seldom need a vacation. After all, with the ocean just a few meters away from your property, do you really need to go elsewhere just for a breather? Once you have decided on settling by the sea, you would no sooner than expect that you would never be missing the hustle and bustle of a busy metropolitan. With palm and coconut trees surrounding you, sand on your feet and the smell of salty air, you would find yourself not missing the tall skyscrapers, traffic onslaughts and pollutions of a progressive city.

If seaside living has been something you have been contemplating about, consider Anvaya Cove Bataan. In any case, below is a list of the generous perks seaside living would afford you:

1.) It allows you to be healthy

Mental benefits aside, it has been shown that seaside living can positively impact an individual’s overall health. Sunlight, of which the beach gets significant dosages of, is incredibly beneficial to our skin. This is because sunlight has Vitamin D which helps your body absorb calcium and by extension, strengthens your bones. Furthermore, the sea helps you better with its negatively charged ions. Resultantly, you are less stressed and are generally in a better mood.

2.) It gives you a myriad of things to do

Life by the sea offers you a variety of activities to do at the weekend while living in the city constrains you to a life of monotony. Metropolitan living limits your entire week to going to work, eating and maybe going to the mall to relax and breathe. It is incredibly rare (and only when time permits) for you to ever have a chance to get away from the city and have a vacation. And when you do, it usually involves a long drive or a plane ticket. When you live by the sea, it is like being on holiday every single day of your life. Moreover, it offers you a diverse plethora of recreational activities to do such as swimming, surfing, beach volleyball, sunbathing and the like.

3.) It is great for your well-being

Living in a place that allows you to wake up to the sight of the sun, sea and lush waves every single day tends to make you appreciate the small things in life. Compared to being cloistered and stifled in an apartment unit smack dab in the middle of the city, seaside living is not only a place for relaxation and serenity but an avenue for self-exploration. It allows you to contemplate and reflect. Moreover, it has been found that the sound of crashing waves inspires creativity. So living by the sea might be a good opportunity for you to discover your hidden talents and skills.

4.) It allows you to disconnect

In a way, seaside living allows you to connect more to yourself and your surroundings simply by giving you the chance to disconnect. Living in a busy cosmopolitan tends to make us inadvertently glue ourselves to our cellphone or computer screens—so much so that we are perpetually connected online and missing the small things in life. This habit has been known to increase stress levels and is potentially harmful to the body. Living by the sea, however, allows you to meditate. Even a few minutes spent just looking at the horizon and listening to the wave would be enough to rejuvenate your well-being.

5.) Delicious seafood

Seafood is hard to come by in the city, and when you do find them, they would be incredibly overpriced. This is because the logistics of getting seafood into the city can be a bit complicated and overly long—especially when the city is nowhere near any ports or even seas. However, when you are living by the sea, you are not only given access to cheap seafood but the freshest ones as well. No doubt, you can expect seafood restaurants to be cropping up here and there ensuring that you always get the fresh catch of the day.

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Smart Investments: Four Ways to Avoid the Common Pitfalls of Investing in Real Estate


“Persist—Do not take no for an answer. If you are happy to sit at your desk and not take any risk, you will be sitting at your desk for the next twenty years.” –David Rubenstein

Much like any other career or business in the world, real estate investment takes time, commitment and a little discipline to get good at. It does not only take a fortnight to be successful in your real estate endeavors—for some, but it can also even take years and years of trying, failing, learning and getting back at it again.

The trick here is never to give up and keep persisting. After all, every failure is a valuable lesson. Unfortunately, most novices and budding real estate investors would give up at the first brush of failure because they were under the misguided impression that a career in real estate would mean easy money. This could not be any farther from the reality of how things are. The truth is you will try, and you will fail, but this should not deter you. Study and learn as much as you can about the process and refine your techniques. Reevaluate your strategies and try to pinpoint where you have fallen short before. However, if you wish to mitigate the possibility of committing failures, here are some of the tried and tested ways to do exactly that. Whether you are planning to invest on properties in Avida Towers Centera, there are common strategies (proven by those who had already made a fortune in the industry) that would help you succeed with fewer mistakes.

When investing in real estate, here are the principles and concepts you should consider:

1.) Have an analysis spreadsheet that contains your prospective rental properties

A wise investor would not immediately close down on the first best deal he comes across. Instead, he would take note of that, find more deals, collate them and analyze them in a single spreadsheet. Commence your analysis with the Fair Market Value, money down the improvements done, the rental income, expenses and its prospective ROI figure. Weigh your options by subjecting every possible deal through your spreadsheet. This is crucial because it helps you pick out not only the best properties but the best deals as well.

2.) You are buying numbers

Do not make the mistake of envisioning yourself living in the property you are buying. Take note: You are not buying a home to live in; you are investing to buy yourself numbers. Getting far too attached to the property you are investing on can be a fatal mistake as it clouds your judgment. When you are emotionally involved, you will invest far too much time or capital than necessary which could be detrimental to your ROI. This is neither about what you want nor what you need. It is about how much you can make off the property. Remember, channeling most of your financial resources into one property so that you can bloat the rental rate is not always a feasible option. It might even backfire on you.

3.) Do your research

If you are going to be spending a significant amount on an investment property, research is not only recommended but paramount. Do your research and do it again. As stated above, do not buy the first property you see outright. Take your time and look for more properties. Weigh your options and enumerate the reasons that make a certain property great. Run it through your analysis spreadsheet and let the numbers speak for themselves.

4.) Buy local if possible

The operative word here is if possible. This means to buy local only if you can—not buying ONLY local. Do not get too focused on buying local just so you can check on the property. Quality rental properties are still superior to local ones that do not quite make the cut after all. However, if you are already lucky enough to be living in an area with a thriving rental market with proven returns on investment, then buying local should be your initial focus.

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9 Home Decorating Finds To Score This 2018

Shopping for home decoration is similar to buying clothing.

You must take note of the measurements, quality, color, and material among other things. A lot goes on with interior decoration. Visiting the right store on top of scouring the pieces you wish to include in your home proves to be a source of a headache when you are at a loss for ideas.

A new condo for sale in Makati is in dire need of decorating. Luckily, luxury malls like Glorietta and Greenbelt are just around the corner to provide you with your decorating needs. If you plan to go for a haul or just redecorate, you must add these ten items on your list to score during your shopping trip.

1. Contrasting palettes

pantone 2018 ultra violet
Fusing bright and unexpected colors such as oranges and blues or purples with earth tones complement audacious personalities. These color combinations can work on small items and trinkets as well as pieces of furniture. Ashley Home Store at Glorietta 3 has signature home furniture, accessories, and mattresses.

2. Dark paint

Rooms with enough light from windows can take on a dark color. Midnight blue, charcoal or terracotta are some hues you can try for a bold interior. True Value at Glorietta 1 offers a wide selection of paint colors

3. Decorated fireplace

wallpaper fireplace
A standard feature on top of chimneys is the mantel-piece design. It makes the area feel outdated. Covering the outer walls of the fireplace with wallpaper or paint is more tasteful.

4. Disco ball

silver disco ball
Adding a disco ball in the living room or entertainment area makes an instant party place. The ball doesn’t provide illumination, but it’s an excellent reflector. Contemporary home stores like Dimensione may have one lying around their showroom.

5. Geometric shelving

wood triangle shelf
Irregularly shaped storages double in form and function. They are highly useful in keeping the space organized while adding design.You can opt for a standee that is a work of art in itself, or you can install some storages on an empty wall. Paint its inner part with bright hue to make the items out. A store like Home Bound has stunning pieces of functional furniture.

5. Lampshades

lamp shade
An efficient way to change your home without spending too much, you start with the small items. Changing your lamps shades with bolder patterns and brighter colors improve the aura of the room. Try exploring A Touch of Elegance at Glorietta 4 for lighting inspiration.

6. Patterned flooring

floor pattern
For the bold and loud characters, you can place your focus on the floor. Stencils or printed details like Moroccan-inspired or paisley patterns effortlessly brightens the area. Paint splats over solid colors is a simple way to include design while giving life in the space. Handyman has every decorator’s needs in store.

7. Oversized pendant lights

chandelier soft light
Pendant lights or enormous chandelier changes the ambiance of the room. The oversized item dictates the personality of the area. To keep the balance of the room, ensure that the size of the light pendant is within the size of the table underneath it. Decor, a lighting boutique at Glorietta 4 has a variety of overhead lighting options.

8. Upholstery

plush armchair
Another way to include patterns in your home is by installing brightly printed fabric on your chairs. If covering the whole things seems overboard, keep one side in a solid hue. The remaining side works with loud prints or patterns. The pieces at Victoria Mondiale combines comfort and aesthetic.

9. Unpredictable side table

peacock side table
You can try a different surface instead of the usual four corners. A table with unexpected features – wooden vine-like legs or animal-shaped body – are ideal conversation pieces. Some surfaces can stand alone while others need support like a glass topper. Muebles Italiano has furniture pieces inspired by generations of culture and artistry.

Indeed, the malls of Makati CBD solves decorating woes. Glorietta guarantees to fill your condo unit with class and style. Most of all, it will amplify the color your life has to offer. These pieces will make you look forward to your time at home.

The Top Four Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers Make


“You cannot have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you.” –Marissa Mayer


Buying a first home in today’s real estate market should be relatively easy. However, for those who are going into the venture sans the experience, it can be rather confusing and a tad bit frustrating at times. As of recent times, the housing market is showing no signs of declining and slowing down—in this regard, many prospective homeowners would feel incredibly confident about the timeliness of their purchase should they choose to buy a house now. However, if one travels through the unchartered  (in the case of first-time homebuyers at least) paths of buying and acquiring homes, mistakes and oversights are easily made. If you are a budget or have saved up for this monumental milestone (as is the case with most first-time homebuyers), you cannot really afford to make any error that would inevitably lead to a financial blunder.

Regardless of how small a financial mistake might be, making the wrong move in a saturated market would often lead to pecuniary remorse and inevitably, home buying misery. Unfortunately, first-time homebuyers are predisposed to committing these errors if they are left to their own devices and are armed with insufficient information. In any case, you can mitigate the chances of committing these lapses if you are equipped with prior knowledge prior to making your first purchase. Whether you are eyeing your first home to be in Avida Towers Cebu or elsewhere, here are some common first-time homebuyer mistakes you ought to avoid:


Buying a home that is too expensive

What is expensive and cheap is relative to how much the homebuyer actually earns. However, regardless of what kind of home you are looking to purchase, you should always remember to stay within your budget. How much you can afford largely varies but it depends on your debt to income ratio. Remember, you are not only going to be spending for the home alone, you would also have to take into account your monthly utility bills, groceries, insurance, etc.

Not hiring a realtor

As this is your initial venture into buying a home, it would bode you well if you worked with a professional whose expertise is in how real estate works. More often than not, homebuyers would rather forego the assistance of a real estate agent thinking that this is just another expense. Sure, it might be another aspect to pay for but think of it as a worthy investment. After all, you would stand to spend more should you purchase a home without the aid of an agent.

Not leaving room in the budget for other expenses

Unlike renting, owning a home would mean that if something breaks, you have to fix it. However, most first-time homebuyers do not seem to realize this. As a result, they would often not leave any room in the budget for any other expense. Your budget should not only comprise of what you pay for the initial down payment of your first home. In fact, it should cover a myriad of things. In this regard, you should also ensure that you leave enough to have extra money each month should you ever have the need for it.

Putting too much or too little down

Coming up with the down payment is already a major challenge when it comes to buying your first home, so defraying most of your home’s total price should be a good thing, right? Not necessarily. Putting up too much money for the down payment would cause a severe imbalance on your money savings and as a result, you may end up bungling your monthly budget. In this regard, you should not be overeager about paying up majority of your first home’s total price. Instead, pay just enough that you would still have a little legroom in your monthly budget to ensure you can cover any other expenses should you need it. Remember, you cannot always plan for every contingency, so should an emergency happen, you want to be adequately prepared financially.


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Home Design: Five Things that Make Your Home Look Dated


“The magic thing about a home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back” –Wendy Wunder


We all love incorporating design elements into our homes.

After all, it is the highest form of personalization and it effectively gives character into your homes. In this regard, we tend to buy decors; furniture and other home treatments that would help improve the overall aesthetic of our space. Unfortunately, if we do not update our home decors often or simply have a thing for trendy home treatments, our homes can look incredibly dated. True, your enthusiasm for interior decorating might be commendable but you need to have the right eye for it. After all, you would not want your guests to walk into the front door and think they have gone back in time or gotten a blast from the past with your extensive dated home décor collection.

If there are several things in your home that leave you scratching your head or else have you contemplating what you were thinking, there is a likely chance you are using dated designs. In any case, take a gander at your condo unit in Avida Centera or elsewhere and see if any of the things listed below are present:


DIY Pallet Furniture

At some point, pallet projects were all the rage and it is easy enough to understand the appeal. However, they key word here is “were” as nowadays there is such a thing as too much pallet. One or a couple pallet pieces are generally okay but if your home is dominated by wooden weekend projects, it is time to reevaluate your design options.

Too much iron

Wrought iron staircases were once considered beautiful and elegant. In fact, having one in a home was heavily regarded as the height of wealth and sophistication—an epitome of elegance, if you may. Although there is nothing wrong with them, you have to ensure that they are making the right kind of statement. If you are unsure, it is best to skip it altogether and opt for something more contemporary and timeless.

Overwhelmed by copper

Once upon a time copper was a thing, but make no mistake the copper trend is officially over now. If you think decking your homes in copper accents and treatments would make it look rustic, you are very much mistaken. However, if you have a long-standing love affair with copper, ensure that it stays in the kitchen and just use authentic copper cookware instead. Metallic and matte finishes such as silver knobs, black picture frames and brass candlesticks are great as well.

White appliances

White appliances are just not aesthetic—especially the stark white ones. They give your home a post-apocalyptic feel or would make it look reminiscent of the fifties were most of the kitchen appliance were colored in white. Today, it is all about chrome and stainless steel or sleek slate and matte black finishes. Sure, they look far more technical and industrial than your average kitchenware, but it gives your kitchen that streamlined and contemporary look. Moreover, it gives your space that touch of luxe and sophistication. Another added bonus is that they are far easier to keep clean, so maintenance and upkeep would not be so much of a hassle.

Blackboard walls

For quite some time, they were trendy and they looked great and apt for kids’ rooms—where they should stay. You might think having a chalkboard wall in your kitchen would make a great statement, but all it would do is effectively add more chaos to your everyday life by inevitably adding more chalk clouds. Let us face it, chalk residue is not exactly hygienic and should go nowhere near your food. In any case, swap out the kitchen chalkboards and replace them with a diminutive but impactful message board on the kitchen counter.

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